All disciplines need financial literacy

All disciples (regardless of areas of study) should include financial literacy in their school courses – at least, they should take basic financial education of one-hour lecture, every semester or ten hours in total before graduation.

Regardless of an individual’s disciple or area of expertise, financial literacy should be taught or acquired while in school, beginning from kindergarten. Students in business schools are already doing this by taking courses outside their disciplines. For example, all business school students are required to take courses other than their majors – arts, humanities and sciences. Marketing students, for example, are required to take basic accounting and finance courses, science courses, liberal arts courses, and so forth in addition to their marketing course requirements.

Therefore, students in other disciplines, such as in the sciences and liberal arts, should take financial literacy courses in their curriculums. Students in these disciplines can audit (no grades) these courses without registering for the courses, provided they’re students of the institution. All the students have to do is come to class, listen and take notes and get exposed to the inner workings of financial education: Doctors, lawyers, sports majors, computer majors, history majors, political science majors, must have some ideas of what financial literacy is all about. Everyone, regardless of discipline, should understand the basic knowledge of financial education in order to enhance their communication and understanding when they chat about their financial affairs or before starting a business. Don’t individual want to know about investing and some business lingo? Don’t individual want to have understanding about individual and business taxes? Don’t individual want to know how financial markets work? Don’t individual want to know when to seek financial advice? The more knowledge an individual has about financial education, the better they can plan and embrace recommendations provided by financial advisors. Financial studies (at least the basics) should be interdisciplinary.

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